Black Lives Matter movement needs to be stopped
Robert VanKirk sides with police judgment int he case of the Black Lives Matter movement.
September 22, 2015
The Black Lives Matter movement needs to be stopped as soon as possible. It is very dangerous, and it’s going to start a revolt against the police.
People need to realize how good and important our police officers are. This movement makes the police look like killers. I’m sure they have saved tens of thousands more than they have taken.
There are many factors to suspects being killed by police. In some cases, the police were inexperienced and/or the African American citizens were killed were because they didn’t follow orders to begin with.
This movement is causing many people that wanted to become police officers before to change their dream. This is a big threat to our country that we need to stop before it picks up steam. It will tear our country apart.
After doing about two minutes of research, I found that there were only about 25 unarmed African Americans killed this year. I did the math, and figured out that this is about one in 1,668,000 black people in America. So, if you were the parent of a black child, that child would have a 0.00001488% chance of being shot by the police while unarmed. You have a higher chance of being stuck by lightning (at 1 to 750,000). So, we’re going to start a movement for a problem that barely even exists? The police are monitoring 318.9 million people. They are going to screw up. They are human; they are not perfect, and we should be thankful that these numbers aren’t even higher with how big our country is.
Finally, there is a reason why the police are more likely to shoot a black person than a white person. According to, African American men commit nearly half of all murders in this country, and they only make up 12-13% of the population. According to, from 2011 to 2013, 38.5% of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This is three times higher than the 13% black population. Furthermore, a black male is 40 times more likely to assault a white person as the reverse. This may be why the police are more on edge in African American communities! Fewer black people will get shot when their crime rate goes down.
You will never stop racial profiling whenever there is a strong reason for it. It would be impossible. Therefore, we need to stop the Black Lives Matter movement before we kill more police over nothing. As Ron Hickman, sheriff of Harris County, Texas said, “We’ve heard black lives matter, all lives matter, well, cops’ lives matter too. So why don’t we drop the qualifier and just say ‘lives matter’ and take that to the bank?”