Blair County Leadership looking for interested freshmen

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Tina Hollen and Beau Potter are the B-A representatives in Blair County Leadership this year.

Ethan McGee, Staff Writer

Blair County Leadership is back,  a program to help show students how to be a leader throughout their school and be a good example for others.

Freshman students have to fill out an application, and then the Blair County Chamber picks the students who they feel show the best qualities of a leader and mentor. The program then begins in their sophomore year.

This group meets once every month and discuss the meaning of Blair County’s heritage and culture.

They use a book call “7 Habits Affected teens go through to be a leader” to discuss the ways and actions a leader needs to show.

After eight months the students go through a graduation in the program, this signifies that the students have gone through all of the training the chambers has to offer.

Former Blair county leadership grad Nathan Davis filled us in saying, “BCL was great for me because I got to spend time and collaborate ideas with other active sophomore students in Blair County.”

Is this something that really helps guide you in the direction of a leader? Beau Potter, a tenth grade member of Blair county Leadership thinks so.

“It really gave me insight on how to be a good member of Blair County, and to show students from my school the way,” Beau concluded.

Both former and current members, Nathan and Beau encourage all ninth graders that have an interest to go for the challenge.  We definitely need leaders in high school, to show students the examples and qualities we express here at B-A.