Civics teacher touts gun safety by instructing his own safety course

Kaelynn Behrens

Mr. McNaul finishes up his last-minuyte tips to Mr. Naylor as they shoot at the Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry Association.

Harley Strunk, Staff Writer

Bellwood-Antis teacher Mr. McNaul isn’t just a civics teacher. He’s also and advocate for the legal use of guns, both in self-defense, and as a means of leisure.

Mr. McNaul teaches gun safety once a month at Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry Association. A native of DuBois, he grew up around guns and shooting and was always taught the proper safety protocol when handling them.

Mr. McNaul found himself making the decision several years ago to formally teach classes.

“I think that I have a responsibility as a teacher and gun owner to help others learn to shoot and be a responsible gun owner,” Mr. McNaul said.

When instructing his course, Mr. McNaul teaches the priority of respect for the gun. He said he teaches his pupils that you can never become careless.

“Treat all guns as if they are loaded, never point a gun at something you don’t want to destroy, keep your finger off the trigger, and be sure of your backstop,” Mr. McNaul said.

You do not need to own a gun to take one of Mr. McNaul’s classes, but when a new student asks Mr. McNaul about buying a gun for self-defense, he tells them if they are not prepared to possibly use it to deliver lethal force, then they should not do it.

He also says that many people lack the knowledge relating to the legal use of force.

Another topic he addresses is concealed carry and home defense courses.

“I emphasize making good decision, and staying out of conflict. It’s very important that people learn how to stay physically, but legally, safe as well,” Mr. McNaul says.

Teaching about gun safety is important to Mr. McNaul because he loves to shoot and he embraces his role as his family’s first responder. He also wants to be a resource for people looking to develop their shooting and defensive skills.