Two students place at Student Congress
Sam Gormont and McKenzie Lang were high place-winners at the first Student Congress meet.
November 14, 2018
Bellwood had two students compete in the Student Congress Meet at Berlin High School on Monday, November 12. Mackenzie Lang was named Merit Speaker (3rd) and Sam Gormot was named Superior Speaker (2nd).
“It is nice to come back every year and see some fresh faces as well as the others and see all of us improve with a little healthy competition,” said Lang.
Student Congress is an activity in which students debate proposed legislation, similar to Congress. After all speeches are presented, pro and con viewpoints, a vote is taken to determine whether or not to pass the bill. Students are able to meet new people and work on their presenting skills. They also are able to learn more about how the government works.
“Two things I like have been combined: debating and meeting new people,” said Gormot.
The next meet is Monday, December 17.