20 Questions with Eli Moser
Eli enjoys listening to hip hop music and playing Fortnite.
In this edition of 20 Questions, we interviewed Eli Moser. We talked with him about some of his most favorite things in life. Read on to learn all about this fifth grader.
Q1: What is your favorite song?
A1: Phantom by Yvng Knight.
Q2: Who is your favorite singer?
A2: Yvng Knight.
Q3: What is your favorite genre of song?
A3: Hip-Hop.
Q4: What is your favorite book?
A4: The Meltdown
Q5: What is your favorite football team?
A5: Rams.
Q6: Do you participate in any after-school activities? If so, what are they?
A6: Yes, I play Fortnite.
Q7: Who is your biggest role model?
A7: Elliot Mast (Baseball coach)
Q8: What is your favorite subject?
A8: Activity period.
Q9: What’s one thing that you would change in the world today?
A9: Shorter school days.
Q10: What do you always have in your locker?
A10: Books.
Q11: How old are you?
A11: 10.
Q12: What is your favorite color?
A12: Black.
Q13: What is your favorite drink?
A13: Mountain Dew.
Q14: What is your favorite food?
A14: Tacos.
Q15: Where is one place you would like to travel?
A15: Florida.
Q16: iPads or Notebooks?
A16: iPads.
Q17: What is your favorite season and why?
A17: Winter because of Christmas.
Q18: What is your favorite holiday and why?
A18: Christmas because it is the best holiday.
Q19: Do you have a phone? If yes, what kind is it?
A19: Yes, Apple iPhone.
Q20: Do you have any pets? If so ,what kind? And what are their names?
A20: I have a goldfish named Blubber.
We really enjoy interviewing Eli. Check back soon for the next featured student!