Just Juniors: Tyler Shultz

He’s the guy who seems to know everyone – Tyler Shultz.

If you know him, you’ll know that he’s sweet, funny, always smiling and altogether, he has a cuddly personality. He is junior Tyler Shultz.

Most students at Bellwood-Antis call him Shultzy. Shultzy will talk to anyone even if they are not one of his close friends. He’s never in a bad mood either.

Classmate and friend, Cameron Wood said, “Tyler is a tough individual with a great attitude.”

Blue Print: what are you looking forward to about your senior year?

Tyler: Making great memories with all my friends.

Blue Print: What do you like about B-A?

Tyler: All the teachers are laid back and it’s almost like a second home to me.

Blue Print: If you could retake any class at B-A, what would it be and why?

Tyler: Chemistry with our student teacher, Ms. Baginsky because I was always excited to go to class when she taught us.

Blue Print: Who inspires you and why?

Tyler: My brother Dylan, he has always been there for me and we do everything together. He pushes me to the limit. Friends come and go but brothers will stay by your side through everything.

Blue Print: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Tyler: Hopefully graduated from college with a sports management degree and one day own the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Blue Print: What is something about yourself that no one at BAHS knows?

Tyler: I love to play the guitar!

Blue Print: Favorite movie?

Tyler: This is the End.

Blue Print: Favorite book?

Tyler: Beyond Belief by Josh Hamilton

Blue Print: Favorite class?

Tyler: Shop class

Blue Print: Favorite food?

Tyler: Buffalo chicken pizza

Blue Print: The best B-A lunch?

Tyler: Spicy chicken wraps