Guidance department uses virtual visits for college-bound seniors
Because colleges can’t come to B-A, more and more universities are conducting virtual trips as a way of selling their institution.
October 27, 2020
COVID 19 is a challenge that students have to deal with, especially the 2021 seniors. The coronavirus has changed how seniors prepare for the next chapter in their lives.
While in the past the guidance office offered visits from college representatives every week, that hasn’t been possible this year. As a result, Bellwood-Antis High School has set up many virtual college visits to keep options open for all students.
College visits, where the admission counselors come and talk to any kids who would be interested in that specific college, have always been popular among B-A seniors.
According to high school guidance counselor Mrs. Danielle McNelis, attendance at the virtual visits has slightly declined compared to in-person visits. But, some visits have also been very high in attendance.
The next visits scheduled are on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday is Juniata college and Thursday is Clarion university.
Mrs. McNelis said there are a lot of benefits of attending virtual visits, including the possibility of submitting an application for free.
“What most students don’t realize is that a plus to these are the colleges will give the students a code to be able to apply freely to that specific college,” said Mrs. McNelis. “But, the only downside is that not all colleges offer this to students.”
Overall, it’s in many students best interest to check out these visits and see what these schools have to offer.