Scholastic Scrimmage team finishes strong despite changes
Scholastic scrimmage team members include, front row (l to r), Zach Amato, Alex Taylor, and Emma Corrado; back row ( l to r), Shane Rachel, John Sloey, Aiden Taylor, Jack uensmann, and Caedon Poe.
December 8, 2020
The B-A Scholastic Scrimmage team finished its season strong this year with a tie for fourth place at the IU8 competition.
The academic contest was run differently from previous years because students competed in the quiz game virtually for the first time as a COVID-19 precaution.
The team competed against 13 schools in “virtual” competitions over 5 days. It certainly was a unique experience as some schools were virtual, some hybrid, and some in school.
The format of this competition changed slightly in that each team was given its own question to answer instead of having to be the first one to buzz in to answer.
“I prefer the face-to-face competition. You have the opportunity to answer more questions if you buzz in quickly instead of just waiting to see if the other team misses it first,” said team member Jack Luensmann.
The final standings competition had Hollidaysburg taking first, Altoona second, Bedford third, and a tie for fourth between Bellwood and Bishop Guilfoyle.
“I think we did well considering we did not have our entire team present for most of the competitions due to scheduling issues,” said team coach, Mrs. Kathy Taylor.
The team members included, 10th grade: Canyon Neyman, Shane Rachel; 11th grade: Jack Luensmann, Caedon Poe, Zach Amato, Emma Corrad0; 12th grade: Kenny Robison, John Sloey, Aiden Taylor, Alex Taylor.
Congratulations to the Bellwood-Antis scholastic scrimmage team on completing a great season!