A Special Valentine’s Day Party
Some Bellwood-Antis High School students were able to get an early jump on Valentine’s Day by handing our Valentines and gifts.
February 12, 2021
It’s that time of year Bellwood! The day for hearts, love, and Cupid is upon us, a day otherwise known as Valentine’s Day!
While most students have been claiming their dismay for the holiday, Senior Holden McClellan even says, “I think it is an unnecessary holiday, that is boring.” Other students are overjoyed. Senior Ethan Carper even stated, “I like the overall atmosphere of the holiday, and spending time with my family. It’s also close to my dad’s birthday.”
Even with a divided opinion, there is no doubt that a specific section of Bellwood is excited for this love-filled holiday; however, a certain class party may have swayed their opinions.
The high school special education department decided to throw a class party to celebrate the holiday. Teacher Miss April said, “We believe the party is a fun idea for the students, but it will not be the same as past years because of the coronavirus pandemic, and new guidelines.”
Before new guidelines the classroom would be filled with snacks and collaborative games. The class is still having fun, only with more precautions.
The student day is filled with pre-packaged snacks, games, and coloring activities.
There was even a surprise by Bellwood-Antis juniors Emma Chronister and Sofia Nelson, and seniors Caroline Nagle and Haley Campbell. The four created Valentine gift bags to distribute to the students.
Of course the students are thrilled with the party, but student Parker Lucas was more excited to give to others. “I’m excited to hand my Valentine to Mr. Loverich,” Parker said.
Miss April further explained that the students all created Valentines to hand out to others.