Ninth graders prepare for field trip
Ninth graders load the bus to attend a field trip at the Greater Altoona CTC.
November 9, 2021
Ninth grade students will be going on a tour of the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center on Tuesday, November 9th.
The GACTC offers 27 programs available to students 10th grade and higher. Many courses supply a certification at the end of the program.
“The mission of the Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center is to provide high school students and adult learners a superior career and technical education consistent with accepted academic and skill standards.”
This field trip will give students the opportunity to check out the programs available to them starting their 10th grade year.
Ninth-Graders were given the opportunity to choose three programs they wish to tour. Students will tour classes including carpentry and cabinet making, graphic arts, dental assistant, cosmetology, culinary arts, baking, health occupations, and emergency services, among a litany of other options.
Students will arrive at the GACTC in the morning and be there for half the day.
Periods 1-4 will be spent at the tour, and 5-7 will be used to complete career possibility questions and discussing career opportunities.