Basketball is back, Alright!!

CC0 Public Domain and B_Me

Basketball is back in the elementary school!

Its back guys!


Bellwood- Antis is proud to announce that the boy’s elementary basketball team is coming back to Bellwood after 6 years!


This program is for third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders!

The third and fourth graders practice will be from 5:30 to 6:45

The fifth and sixth graders practices will at 6:45 to 8.

Practice will be held in the Myers elementary gym.


All practice will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

(To be determined by the Coach).

More information will be available at parent teacher conferences.


Todd Beiswenger said, “The ultimate goal is to have the Bellwood kids playing as a Bellwood team. We are preparing to join in competitive local leagues in the winter/ early spring”.

If you have any questions you can contact Todd Beiswenger through Facebook.


If you know anyone that would like to be a part of the elementary basketball team tell them to show up at practice and start dribbling!