BA HISTORY 101: Technology
Technology at BA has evolved Dramatically over the last 30 years.
In the 80’s and 90’s there were overhead projectors, reel to reels and slides shows and in the 2000’s the school got computers, the internet, laptops and PowerPoint, In 2016 1 to 1 iPads, apps, Google classroom and steaming online classes were introduced.
So we asked some teachers to reflect on the changes from the start of their careers until now, for better and worse.
Mr. Gary Rhone – High school history
No internet. Made classes boring compared to today. So students are lucky.
Mr. Tom Partner – Middle school English
Technology in the classroom has become a double-edged sword. Although technology can enhance the classroom and/or a lesson, it is also often a distraction for those who do not use it effectively.
Mr. Michael Collins – Middle school science
Technology has become an almost constant or primary way of life verses an aide or additional resource.
Mrs. Alice Flarend – High school physics
When I started teaching 30 years ago, I was the only teacher to have a laptop.
Technology has changed in a big way here at B-A and it’s only expected to change more within the next couple years.