Christmas at Myers in full swing
Myers is ready for the Christmas break, enjoying a week of spirit-filled activities leading up to Christmas Eve.
Myers Elementary is keeping the Christmas spirit by doing fun-filled Christmas activities.
Later this week, first grade will be getting together to perform their ‘Moosical’ for parents to enjoy. There also will be a dress rehearsal the morning of the December 21.

On the December 23, the elementary will be gathering for an assembly called the ‘Wing Sing’ where kids listen and sing to Christmas songs, along with a special visitor, Santa.
Ms. Kyley Longo-McGarvey’s Imagination Zone classes have turned the main hallway into a winter wonderland to make read alouds and other lessons a bit more engaging for students. The Imagination Zone class has completed many projects down at the elementary, especially for getting the school into the holiday spirit.
Also this week, second grade will begin Christmas Around the World rotations meant to teach kids about different holiday traditions from countries like Mexico, Sweden, Italy, Germany, and France.
Lastly, there’s a a holiday themed spirit week for the last week leading up until break.
Monday: Hat day
Tuesday: Sock/Slipper day
Wednesday: Sweater day
Thursday: PJ day
Friday: Holiday attire day along with an early dismissal.