In breaking the first rule, we’re going to talk about Fight Club and why it’s so good.
The first rule of Fight Club is we don’t talk about Fight Club.
David Fincher’s movie “Fight Club” was released in 1999 and quickly found its spot as one of the greatest films of all time. So what makes this movie so special?
Fight Club follows a man (The Narrator) suffering from insomnia who copes with his disorder through different support groups for people who have terminal illnesses. After meeting a strange soap salesman (Tyler Durden) on a business trip, The Narrator finds that his perfect apartment had been destroyed due to a gas leak. After this devastating news he decides to call Tyler Durden in need of a place to stay.
What makes this film so good? First off, the story is told almost as if The Narrator is speaking to the audience. This unique story structure really sets the movie apart from others. Fight Club also is one of the few movies that is able to do the book justice. Although some key points were missing, I really felt that the movie did a good job.
Warning, spoilers ahead!! The plot of Fight Club gives the audience the sense of never knowing what’s going to happen. This feeling is most prevalent at the climax of the movie where The Narrator learns that Tyler Durden is himself. The plot also has different characters who you can actually care about and possibly relate too.
The movie is often compared to the book “Fight Club” written by Chuck Palahniuk written in 1996. Unlike most book to movie stories, I find Fight Club is done really well. Most of the dialogue in the movie is taken right out of the book. There still are some differences from the book but that’s to be expected in a book-movie adaptation. Even with these differences the movie does a terrific job in preserving the book’s atmosphere.
Another reason this movie is so good is the amazing cast line up. First off, we have Brad Pitt who plays Tyler Durden. Brad Pitt starred in movies like Ocean’s Eleven and Moneyball. The actor for The Narrator, Edward Norton, known for his role in The Incredible Hulk and Birdman. The actress who played Marla Singer, Helena Bonham Carter, played in the movie series Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. Meat Loaf, an American singer also played in the movie as Bob. Jared Leto also had a role starring as Angel Face in the movie.
To conclude this movie review I will give this movie a rating of 9/10. I felt this movie has a little of everything in a movie, comedy, action, and romance. The movie also has an amazing cast line up with people like Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter. The book is also displayed really well by the movie which is uncommon for book to movie adaptations. Where the movie loses its point is the movie’s book adaptation. Although the movie does a great job representing the book, I feel like there’s something missing. Maybe it’s the changed scenes in the movie or the lack of emotion from The Narrator.