COLLEGE CORNER: Caleb Beiswenger

Bailee Conway

Caleb Beiswenger is ready to become a hornet.

Caleb Beiswenger, a BluePrint staff writer, will be attending Shenandoah University in the fall.

Shenandoah is a private university located in Winchester, Virginia.

Caleb plans on majoring in science, and to work in the STEM field after he graduates.

Caleb also plans to run for the university’s track and field team, as well as their cross country team.

Shenandoah was the right school for Caleb due to it’s small size, location, campus quality and having a major that he was interested in, plus, Caleb believes the track and cross country program is a perfect match for him.

“I am very excited,” he said. “I think it’s going to be really fun, especially since I am running which is something brand new to me, so I am really excited to see my progress as a runner when I start running full time.”

Caleb’s goals for his first year of running are to lower his time and get used to running in college, then the  long term running goals are to compete in top spots in the conference and win championships.

As of his education, Caleb just wants to graduate.

“I want to keep my grades up, make friends, and be a successful runner,” he says.

Caleb feels that taking several “college in high school” classes has prepared him academically for college, whereas he has not properly started to prepare running wise for college until this year.

Surprised he is even running in college in the first place, Caleb feels his high school track coaches are to thank.

“Coach Lovrich, Coach Soission, and Coach Mills all have really pushed me and challenged me to become the runner I am,” Caleb said.

“I give them so much credit and I am super thankful for the 3 0f them to get me where I am and to put me in this position, giving me an amazing opportunity.”

Congratulations Caleb on getting into Shenandoah University! Good luck with your academics and running the next 4 years!