Opinion: Promote healthy lifestyles


Photo by Kerry Naylor

Student contributor Marissa Cacciotti.

“I want to look like her when I’m older!” A common saying many of us have heard, or possibly even said while looking at magazines, Instagram posts, etc.  Younger generations practically worship models and anyone society deems as beautiful. Kids try to alter their appearances to fit the models they see, sometimes that’s a good thing, but sometimes it can be harmful.

To start off, there is nothing wrong with being overweight as long as you’re healthy.  That being said, using overweight models who have unhealthy habits will (if not already) encourage kids to copy their “idols.”  Imagine all of the girls and guys who want to be models.  These kids will look up models, their lifestyle and their habits; they’ll try to mimic these lifestyle choices because they “want to be just like them!”  Slowly, there will be a societal shift and not for the better.  Young generations will become more and more unhealthy because that’s how the models choose to live.  

Accept it or not, the truth is models have big impacts on society.  So, why not promote healthy habits?  Again, being overweight doesn’t mean unhealthy.  It’s good to have a variety of sizes when dealing with models.  Weight is not the issue, it’s the unhealthy lifestyle choices.  As a society we should not be promoting being unhealthy, that’s wrong.  It’s not right to have people who make unhealthy choices the center of attention.  

In addition to the health concerns, think of the overweight models.  It’s not fair to put a picture of an overweight model with a shallow caption about beauty being within.  That’s honestly just cruel.  All sizes are beautiful no matter what, and it’s not right to put similar captions to the one stated above because of the model’s size.  

At the end of the day, using models who make unhealthy lifestyle choices has negative consequences on society, the younger generations, and the models.