On January 19th, National Popcorn Day pops onto the scene with a snack that we all love. The annual celebration recognizes a treat that satisfies munchies, day or night.
Today is National Popcorn day.
Popcorn started becoming popular in the United States in the middle 1800s. It wasn’t until Charles Cretors, a candy-store owner, developed a machine for popping corn with steam that the tasty treat became more abundantly poppable.
By 1900 he had horse-drawn popcorn wagons going through the streets of Chicago.
Today, who can imagine going to the movies without getting a box of buttered popcorn? While popcorn was an economical choice for snack food, the expense of installing a machine and adequately venting the building didn’t seem worth the effort.
If it weren’t for Glen W. Dickson, we would be purchasing our popcorn from a vendor on the street before taking in the show.