For the month of November, 10 teachers will be growing out their mustaches to raise money for childhood cancer research.
Last year miniTHON raised nearly $25,000, and this year they aim to replicate that success. This year, miniTHON begins its annual campaign with the goal to raise $20,000 for childhood cancer research.
The group has many avenues for raising funds, including Donor Drive, stall days, and corporate donations. That’s what makes this new fundraiser unique.
The mustache competition will be between Mr. Elder, Mr. Frye, Mr. Hallahan, Mr. Lovrich, Mr. McNaul, Mr. Partner, Mr. Rhone, Mr. Schreier, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Wood. All will spend the month of November attempting to grow and groom the best mustache.
Students will vote on the best mustache by donating money to the corresponding teacher’s bucket, located in the high school cafeteria.
For the first week of the competition (November 4-8) no teachers will be eliminated. Then, on week two (November 11-15), the five teachers with the least amount of money raised will be eliminated. On the third week (November 18-22), the three teacher with the least amount raised will be eliminated, leaving just the top 2.
The final day of the competition is Monday, November 25. MiniTHON organizers are calling this final Monday “MiniTHON Mustache Monday”. During lunch students who donate $1 will receive a stick on mustache as an incentive to donate. Students are encouraged to wear this fake mustache for the remainder of their school day.
“I think it’s a really good creative idea.” miniTHON organizer Mr. Hallahan commented “Other miniTHON schools have done this event and had success doing it.”