Finish Strong
Steps to going out on top in the month of May
Ms. Trostle’s English students are going all out right up to the last day of school.
May 7, 2015
We all know it’s the beginning of May and summer is around the corner. Everyone is excited to get out of school, but there is still work to be done.
The month of May should be about finishing out the hard work the students have carried along for the past 8 months. With such a short time left, how will the students here at Bellwood-Antis keep the ball rolling?
Follow these six, simple, steps to keep the faith.

As a reminder of the importance of working hard until the end, Ms. Adams has hung Finish Strong posters throughout the high school.
- Think positive and get your work done first
It’s better to get it done now than later when you forget about it.
- Keep up the hard work.
Don’t let yourself fall behind in work with only a short amount of time left. Push through it.
- Set goals for yourself.
By setting some goals for the end of the school year, it will help you keep your mind on track.
- Plan what you’ll do once school gets out.
If you have plans set up of what you will do once school lets out, it will give you something to look forward to when the day does come.
- Think about your future.
If you give up now so close to the end, colleges will see that you were slacking off.
- You invested so much time.
You’ve come so far already, why stop yourself now? Finish out strong