Feature Teacher: Ms. Forshey

The tech-iest teacher of them all gets to call our school district home.

Bellwood-Antis’ own Ms. Forshey has taken big steps to allow our school to become more technologically advanced. Thanks to many of her initiatives, we are keeping up with the times of constant technological breakthroughs and that’s why she was chosen as this month’s feature teacher.

In her 28 years of teaching, she has taught many different grades levels but doesn’t have a preference to which one she likes more.

“It’s kind of cool having students in the elementary grades and then having them again in class when they are middle or high school students,” she said.

She primarily teaches a 6th grade class, but has her fair share of tech classes such as: 4th grade and 5th grade computer classes, and a high school multimedia class. She is also the leader of middle and high school tech club and assists in the running of the BluePrint.

On top of that she works as the Instructional Technology Coach, assisting teachers with implementing technology into the curriculum.

“I prefer to teach tech classes,” said Forshey when asked what she likes teaching most. “I really enjoy sharing this type of knowledge and then having the opportunity to see the types of media students create with tools I teach them to utilize”

And of course, when asked whether we should implement more technology in schools Ms. Forshey was all for it.

“Absolutely!  Technology is such a huge part of our lives so it’s important that students are learning how to use if productively and responsibly,” she said.   “There’s so much more to using devices than just gaming and social media”