Seniors enjoy Curve game reward
Students trying to stay dry at the Curve game for their third marking period reward day.
May 12, 2016
Yesterday, the seniors had a field trip for their reward for the best combined attendance and behavior percentage. They went to the Altoona Curve for a baseball game between them and the Trenton Thunder. This game started at 10:30 and feature many different schools from around the area.
Despite the rain, the Curve won the game 5-4, which they owed a big part to the Thunder having 5 errors.
Someone who didn’t enjoy the weather too much was Senior Brande Robinson
“I sat in the stands for a little and then when it started raining i found a tent to camp,” said Robinson. “I pretty much stayed there until we went back to our seats to leave
The senior class enjoyed a day out of school along with watching baseball. But as we all know, the Curve usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to getting wins. Senior Caroline Taylor witnessed a first in her life at the game.
“It was the first time I have watched the Curve win a game,” said Taylor. “I have watched them multiple times, but each of those times they have come out on the losing end”

The seniors earned a day at the Curve for their efforts in the third marking period.
The food at the Curve is always good, but many people believe the food is well worth the high prices.
“I had my first Curve Burger at the game yesterday,” said Edyn Convery. “It was well worth the $11 for a burger, chips, and small drink.”
Others viewed it as simply a nice break from the hustle and bustle of school.
“The Curve game was a very nice break away from school,” said Kerri Little. “With school starting to wind down for us, it was enjoyable to get away and have some fun.”
“The game was a lot of fun,” said Marissa Panasiti. “I enjoyed taking a day off of school to celebrate our reward.”
Congrats to the senior class for winning the behavior and attendance competition for the 3rd marking period.