Showacase displays cards for teachers and staff
Mrs. Adams has organized a showcase for students to show their appreciation to members of the BASD community.
May 23, 2016
Mrs. Adams, the vice principal, thought it would be a good idea to have the seniors write appreciation cards to someone they feel needs to be appreciated and has done a lot for them, such as Teachers and Staff.
Most of the seniors chose to write about a teacher, such as Marissa Panasiti who wrote about Miss Clippard.
Marissa is very thankful for everything Miss Clippard has taught her over the past two years and not just Chemistry.
“Thank you for everything you’ve taught me about myself and life in general,” said Marissa. “I’ve learned that without hard work, you won’t get very far.”
Another senior, Laycee Clark, also chose to write about a teacher. Laycee chose to write about Mrs. Frank because she has helped her so much over the past year.
“I think it is quite easy to say that I would not be the same student or person without you,” Laycee said. “You’ve given me great advice, always had my back, and made me think even when I didn’t want to.”
Some other students decided to take a different route, such as Revel Southwell, and chose his bus driver, Dick Butterbough, to write an appreciation card too.
“Thank you Dick Butterbough for being kind, waving, stopping by, and driving me to school for ten years,” said Revel.
After school is dismissed for the year Mrs. Adams will specifically give the cards to whoever they were written to, so they can keep it as a keepsake.