Right, left, all of the above, neither


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We need to determine the right political direction in this country.

Eli Vaglica, Staff Writer

You know that feeling on a test where the teacher didn’t put down the right answer for a multiple choice question and you know it better than your own mother’s face?

Right, that’s kind of how I feel about liberals, conservatives and the debate over which view should determine the future of the country.

Instead of talking out their differences and offering a rational train of thought they just kind of argue mostly about issues that shouldn’t even be issues. Not to be rude, but I feel like there’s a lot more mental illness in this country than we realize, at least if idiocy was an illness that affects the minds of the people who run our country.

There’s just such a small percentage of people who really understand what power they’re giving to their leaders and what they’re leaders actually support. Instead people focus on distractor issues.

“That’s what happens when you give everyone a trophy!” I’m not going to lie: I’ve seen some big, fat losers (not ones willing to lose any weight though) post this as conservative thinkers taking issue with people who cry about their life when they don’t get that number one spot. However, only giving one person a trophy makes that one person thinks they are God’s gift to humanity.

You know that feeling on a test where the teacher didn’t put down the right answer for a multiple choice question and you know it better than your own mother’s face?

This is where you see the hypocrisy because when things don’t go their way like a simple Starbucks cup, conservatives then explode: “war on Christmas, radical leftists want to end this great Christian nation.”

As for liberals, there are plenty of distractors there too. For example: there are only two genders. Why did I just interject that into this? Because if I upset one group, I’ve got to upset the other.

The littlest thing can just set off people on the ‘Left’; but to be honest, if you’re a Democrat, you’re not truly ‘Left’. Democrats are closer to the left than Republicans, but they’re not truly  left.

In the end choosing the donkey or the elephant is like impairing yourself. It’s like being an inebriated, blind cripple no matter who you choose because you’re not thinking straight, you can’t see how bad the choices are and you’re unwilling to go to political rallies in order to understand the beliefs of each side for what they really are.

Sure, 2016’s popularity contest was a good meme, but how can you justify a vote for Hillary or Donald especially if you don’t know their policies other than “wall,” “email,” “Benghazi” and “grab them by the —?”

The other alternative is not voting, in which case we’d have no president. Quirky and lame I know, but it would be funny to see people struggle without the government helping/controlling them.