Local businessman shares financial advice
1992 grad Rob Tyler speaks to health classes about money and adulthood
Local businessman Rob Tyler visited Bellwood-Antis last week to speak about personal finances.
September 21, 2017
Rob Tyler is a firm believer that everyone can have financial security, if they start early enough in life. He shared that message with B-A health classes last week.
Mr. Tyler, the financial controller for Thompson’s Pharmacy, said that budgeting is very important in life, and he believes that people should use common sense before they spend. He also told students to have financial goals, because becoming wealthy is possible if you start young.
Mr. Tyler believes that it’s hard to catch up on saving if you start later in life.
“The younger you learn to take care of yourself financially the better. Money saved when younger has many more years to grow. If you wait too long, it’s very hard to catch up. Plus, if you get into financial trouble at a young age you may never recover,” said Mr. Tyler.
Mr. Tyler graduated from B-A in 1992 and worked at Boyer Refrigeration before his current job with Thompson’s.
He has come to BA and taught this particular lesson for two years.
Mr. Nick Lovrich, the chairperson of the health department said making bad choices with your money could lead to problems that can affect your future. A portion of the health curriculum deals with making good choices and the effect of bad choices on well-being.
“It could cause stress for people, which will affect their health,” said Mr. Lovrich.
Some B-A students will be dealing with serious money issues sooner than others, Mr. Lovrich said, so the lesson is very timely.
“We are trying to teach our students to make good choices with their money, and try to limit those problems. For some students in less than two years they will need to be independent and have to be able to budget their money so this will help prepare them,” said Mr. Lovrich.
Mr. Lovrich said he is very thankful that Mr. Tyler came in to speak with his health students, especially since it was on one of Mr. Tyler’s work days.
“We are very thankful to Thompson’s Pharmacy for allowing Rob to come and speak to our classes because the message that he had will help our students in their life,” said Lovrich.