Kindness Matters

Students complete challenge to spread positive messages

Olivia Hess

Students have the chance to display ways to be kind to one another.

There’s a new challenge in the Media Center based on students writing about kind things they want to start doing to make our school a more positive place. These acts of kindness can be done outside of the school day too.

Mr. Trexler and Ms. Forshey designed this challenge around an educational movement known as #OneSmallThing in which the belief is that one small gesture can make a huge impact in an environment or in one person’s life. Read more about this idea by visiting these web sites:  ( & (

When visitors go to one of these sites, they can use a generator to record one small thing that could be done to make a difference. After completing the information on the generator, students can print the graphic that is created. These finished products are being displayed around the media center.

Ms. Forshey says this idea was brought into the school because it’s important that all students are treated with respect and kindness, no matter what differences might exist.

Be sure to stop in the Media Center and share some kindness!