Yearbook Assembly Draws Cheers & Tears

Dedication Recipients Emotional, as well as Adviser Ms. K

Tuckahoe yearbook advisor Ms. K, presiding over her final yearbook assembly, was a little choked up when reflecting on her time as advisor.

Bellwood-Antis students saw a softer side of their teachers at Monday’s Yearbook Assembly.

The 2014 Tuckahoe yearbook staff held its annual unveiling ceremony, and revealed its dedication recipients. The emotion in the auditorium from the teachers, in the form of tears and shaking voices, moved the students.  The audience was also moved by the thought of it being Sue Kovensky’s last year as yearbook advisor.

Ms. K is retiring at the end of the year after more than 30 years of service.

Even though Ms. K said that she’s “happy” about holding her last yearbook assembly, she will miss it.

“I feel that the students and teachers knocked the assembly out of the park. The kids overall were impressed by the emotion and love in the room, while the recipients were shocked,” said Ms. K.

When Ms. K took the podium for the final time, she told the audience with a shaky voice, “In all of my 33 years of teaching, I have worn a variety of different hats, so to speak.  Make no mistake, yearbook, by far, is my absolute favorite.”

The 2013-2014 yearbook was dedicated to senior history teacher Mr. Robert McMinn and senior high learning support teacher Mrs. Sally Padula.

Library assistant Mrs. Vickie Litz received the Shining Star of the Bellwood-Antis Galaxy Award and her own spot in the Tuckahoe.

When seniors Ryan Snyder and Miranda Lowery introduced McMinn, Lowery said, “Mr. McMinn might not be at the top of every senior’s favorite teacher list, but he is at the top of the list that truly matters.”

“I felt honored being chosen as a one of the book nominations. I was surprised,” said McMinn.

Mrs. Padula said, “The assembly was very beautiful, as always. It was well put together and I was surprised.”

The assembly was opened with Tuckahoe editor-in-chief Anna Wolfe and assistant editor Sarah Winesickle explaining the meaning of the assembly and the effort that went into creating the annual keepsake.

“It was nice to see how excited the (dedication recipients) were and it’s always nice to give back for all the things the teachers have done for us,” said Sarah.

Anna agreed with Sarah’s statement saying, “It was very emotional, but it was nice to see the teachers so happy; it felt good.”

When the assembly was over, seniors stayed in the auditorium to receive their yearbooks, while dedication recipients anjoyed an honorary breakfast in the cafeteria.  Afterwards, seniors went to the cafeteria for the senior breakfast and yearbook signing.