See You at The Pole
Each year, students at B-A and across the nation take part in See You at the Pole.,
September 24, 2019
Tomorrow See You at The Pole is taking place at the flagpole at 6:45 at the flagpole outside the main entrance to Bellwood-Antis High School.. The event is sponsored by The Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
See You at The Pole is a national moment of prayer led by students.
At B-A, student s who attend tomorrow get donuts and coffee to start off the year.
According to the movement’s official website See You at the Pole, the global day of student prayer, began in 1990 as a grass roots movement with ten students praying at their school. Twenty years later, millions pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September.
When See You at The Pole first started only 8 students showed up to the prayer now FCA gets over 100 students and is hoping to get the same amount or more this year.
Bellwood-Antis first began participating in the event in 1998.