BA HISTORY 101: Home Economics Room


Corbin Nale

The Home Ec. room is celebrating its 30th birthday this year.

Hailee McConnell, Staff Writer

Ever wonder how Bellwood-Antis has changed? Thirty years ago, the Bellwood-Antis home economics department wing was newly constructed as part of the school renovations of 1990.

The two rooms, “self-contained” rather then separate cooking and sewing rooms featured,  microwave ovens in each kitchen unit and adequate space for twelve to six students. The new rooms also provided enough space to offer home-ec courses to fifth and sixth grade students as a part of the middle school program.

At the time electives were being offered in sewing, housing, crafts, and consumer economics. Another, all-foods course, was being offered to the delight of many students, especially male, according to reports in the Hylite from December, 1990.

Mrs. Mary Kay O’Conner, was the home economics teacher.

Ms. Valarie Harris is the Home Economics teacher now. Ms. Harris still offers a lot of the same electives, like cooking and sewing. Her 5th/6th grade classes participate in sewing, while her 7th/8th grade complete units in cooking.

For grades 9 through 11 Home Ec. is now an elective.