CHS school-wide debates to be broadcast live
Jake MIller and Tina Hollen battle it out at the 2018 CHS debates at B-A. The debates will be live streamed this year.
February 20, 2020
This Friday, February 21, all CHS debate students will be debating in the auditorium against one another in the ninth annual school wide debate and for the first time they will be broadcast live.
Every high school involved with CHS participates the debate, which is all surrounded by a common theme.The theme for this year is, Today’s Youth Are Best Equipped to Move America Forward. The class is offered through the University of Pittsburgh.
There will be five debates that will take place on Friday, including topics like Today’s Youth Are Mentally Tougher Than Earlier Generations, and Social Media Makes Young People Narcissistic.
This year Bellwood-Antis will produce the first ever YouTube live stream of the annual school wide debates, open to anyone who would like to view the debates. They will be broadcast via the BluePrint’s YouTube channel beginning first period (7:59).
“We’ve had a lot of success holding public debates over the last decade and we’ve created a lot of buzz for the program by opening it up for all high school students to view the event,” said CHS teacher Mr. Naylor. “This will just be one more way to get kids involved in debate, but I think it also allows parents who may not nnormally be able to make it see their kids on stage, and it will allow other students involved in the same program throughout Western Pennsylvania to see our kids argue the same ideas they are arguing.”
The debates will be open during the school day for any teacher who would like to bring an audience.
Every year Bellwood-Antis sends a recorded copy of the best debate to the University Of Pittsburgh, where Pitt will then select one debater from each of the schools to participate in a state-wide CHS debate, taking place in Pittsburgh at North Allegheny High School. The debate will be in May of 2020.