How Covid-19 has affected teachers and students at BAMS

Mackenzie Weber

Eighth grade students in Mr. Moyer’s homeroom showing off their face masks during the 2020 pandemic.

It’s no surprise that the Bellwood-Antis School District has changed from not allowing the use of water fountains to staying distanced at at lunch in an effort to avoid Covid-19 infections, but has it helped? Are people happy with these changes? How are these changes affecting us?

Covid-19 has ruined activities for everybody, whether it be sports or hanging out with friends. Introverts are loving it though because they enjoy staying at home, not having to hang out with people, and getting caught up on all of their favorite shows. However, with sports being postponed or cancelled, some kids are going out of their minds because they have very little to do. Statistics show that exercising releases endorphins that help individuals sleep which reduces stress and improves your mental health. Sure, you can workout at home by yourself, but that’s not much fun and unless you’re really committed to it, you don’t have a reason to work out. Playing sports gives kids that reasoning.

I asked some students in the middle school as well as some of the teachers how Covid-19 has impacted them and how we as a school are preventing the spread. 

Jalynn Partner, Grade 8 student

Q.) I know you like to stay inside and watch a good movie/show and/or read a good book. Did you enjoy being quarantined? What were the pros and cons?

A.) Yes. The pros were I liked being alone. I like reading books and watching movies alone. The cons were you couldn’t go out with your friends, and there weren’t any new movies.

Q.) Are you in any sports, and if so, how did it affect that?

A.) Volleyball. It affected how many people could be in the gym during games, and there was only one conditioning instead of having conditioning and practice right after that. 

Q.) If you didn’t have volleyball, would you be doing any kind of exercise? What would it be if you had to do one? 

A.) No, absolutely not. I would ride bikes if I would have to.

Q.) How do you think the school is doing with keeping students safe?

A.) They’re doing well. Our school is probably doing the best with wearing masks and social distancing.

Mr. Hunter, Grade 7 teacher

Q.) You’re a new teacher at Bellwood. How’s it going so far? 

A.) It’s going pretty good. Students are nice, and the staff is awesome. I went to school here as a kid so that’s cool.

Q.) Without all of this Covid-19 stuff, do you think it would be easier to teach? If so, how? 

A.) For sure. I wouldn’t have to make everything online.

Q.) What are you and your students doing to stay safe? 

A.) My students are staying separated, I’m taking them on mask breaks while social distancing, and making sure they wash their hands. Plus, I’m not handing out papers or taking papers.

Cayden Pellegrine, Grade 8 student

Q.) How has playing football changed due to Covid-19?

A.) We have to have individual water bottles.

Q.) Is the football better or worse this year compared to years past? 

A.) It hasn’t changed other than we have to wear masks on the sidelines. 

Q.) How’s the football team helping to prevent the spread of Covid-19? 

A.) If you’re on the sidelines, you have to wear a mask and stay six feet apart.

Q.) Do you think the rest of your school year will be harder, easier, or the same? Why?

A.) About the same. 

 Mrs. Nycum, Grade 7 teacher 

Q.) Do you think it’s harder to teach since Covid-19 hit? 

A.) Yes, there are more challenges.

Q.) How is online teaching going? Do you like it? 

A.) It is frustrating because not all the students are completing their work.

Q.) What are some apps that are helping you let the student learn together while not moving from their seats?

A.) Right now we haven’t been doing cooperative work except quizzes. We’ve been using Google Slides and Keynote though.

As you can see, none of these changes are easy for students or teachers, but we have to stick together and help each other out.

Just remember that it is very important to wash your hands and disinfect. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but all of these efforts helps us prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our school.

And as always, tune back into the B-A BluePrint to learn more interesting facts and info about our school and your peers!