BA reinforces COVID guidelines

Emalee Strong

Students at B-A received a reminder on Friday of the importance of following COVID guidelines, including social distancing during class.

Aarron Laird, Page editor

Bellwood-Antis finally got it’s  first confirmed COVID-19 case Thursday, October 29.

The district  went an entire 9 weeks without a case, which seems incredible considering the rate the virus is spreading through the population, and school officials are confident the district’s COVID policies have played a roll in limiting cases despite B-A schools going with full-time, in person learning since September .

To make sure the success continues, district leaders have begun reinforcing COVID guidelines.

High school Principal Mr. Richard Schreier went on the homeroom announcements Friday morning and stated the procedures students and teachers must follow to make sure no one becomes lax with the rules.

Superintendent Dr. Thomas McInroy Sent out an email Thursday and addressed faculty about the situation

Both men said students and employees are to wear their mask at all times and it must cover their nose and mouth. During mask breaks students must be six feet apart. Cleaning procedures are still the same, with teachers instructed to disinfect desktops at the end of every class. Lunch monitors must continue to enforce social distancing at lunches in the cafeteria and media center.

Students were also reminded that when in class or shop they should be social distancing and have your mask on and washing their hands often.

In his address Mr. Schreier also reminded students of several other rules to keep in mind as the second nine weeks approaches on Monday. Students can still have water bottles, but they must have a screw on lid. The phone rules are the same as last year: they should be off and in lockers unless students are in lunch.

Clothing is the same as well, and Mr. Schreier reminded students of rules about ripped jeans and covering exposed areas above the knee.