Sports Talk: Jr. high girls’ volleyball

Mackenzie Weber

Members of the junior high girls’ volleyball team wear their Breast Cancer Awareness shirts to their last game against Tyrone.

With the fall sports season coming to an end, the girls’ volleyball team won their last game against Tyrone. I had the chance to interview some new members of the team and some girls that are returnees to see how their season went and to learn a little more about these athletes and their sport.

 Addy Turek, Grade 8

Q.) How long have you been playing volleyball?

A.) Four years.

Q.) Was there much of a difference between this year and last year? 

A.) Yeah, a lot. The games are set a lot differently, and we did not have many spectators. We had to wear masks all of the time which wasn’t fun.

Q.) How do you think you could have improved? 

A.) I think my serves could be more consistent, and I could have a more positive attitude.

Q.) How was the season overall? Do you think you did better than seasons past? 

A.) Yes, I’ve improved a lot. It wasn’t terrible, but due to the coronavirus, it could have been better.

Lilly Hardman, Grade 8

Q.) How long have you been playing volleyball?

A.) Four years. 

Q.) What made you decide to play volleyball?

A.) My grandmother played, and I wanted to be just like her.

Q.) Are you planning on playing volleyball in college?

A.) If I get a scholarship to do so, but yeah I want to.

Q.) Who was your favorite team to play? Why?

A.) Glendale. I feel like since we lost to them, they made us a better and more of a team.

 Macy Cherry Grade 8

Q.) What was your favorite thing about the Tyrone game?

A.) We won.

Q.) How do you think the girls played at the Tyrone game?

A.) I think they played well, but we could’ve talked more because we let balls hit the floor. 

Q.) This is your first year playing. Do you think you’ll continue to play? Why?

A.) Yeah, because I had a great first season and I want to get better. 

Q.) What was your favorite part about the whole season?

A.) Becoming better friends with all of the girls.

Q.) If you had to choose another sport, what would it be? 

A.) Dance.

Q.) What made you want to play volleyball?

A.) My sister played and I just wanted to.

London McKee, Grade 7

Q.) Why do you play volleyball? What drives you to the sport? 

A.) It’s fun, and I enjoy the people on the team.

Q.) How do you think you did this year being the first time you played on the school’s team?

A.) Probably good.

Q.) Will you continue playing volleyball?

A.) Yeah.

Q.) How do you think you could’ve done better?

A.) Trying harder at practice.

Congratulations to the girls for their win against Tyrone! It was a tough game, winning the first set, losing the second, and then winning the third, but our girls came out on top. It just goes to show that if you pour your heart into anything, whether it be a sport or school, you can accomplish anything.

Come back soon to see if your favorite sport or the sport you play is featured in my new BAMS series…