Sports Talk: Jr. high boys’ basketball

Mackenzie Weber

8th Graders Cayden Pellegrine and Griffin Kyle and Max Belis getting excited for their game against Claysburg.

With extracurricular activities being postponed, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a “Sports Talk”, but I was lucky enough to catch up with some of our 8th grade basketball boys and their coach to hear some thoughts and predictions about the season as well as their thoughts about playing at the high school level next season.  

Max Belis 

Q.) Out of all the sports, why did you choose basketball? 

A.) Because I like it, and I’m pretty good at it.

Q.) How well do you think this season is going compared to last? 

A.)  I think we are doing better.

Q.) Do you want to move up next year and play basketball for high school team? Are you scared about the pressure that will be put on you?

A.) Yes and no.

Cayden Pellegrine 

Q.) Do you think playing basketball at the high school level will be hard? Why or why not?

A.) Yes, because we will be playing tougher competition. 

Q.) Do you personally do anything before a big game to calm your nerves? If so, what?

A.) No.

Q.) What is one pro and con about playing basketball?

A.) One pro is it keeps you in shape, and one con is you can easily get hurt.

Griffin Kyle 

Q.) What would you say as a word of encouragement to a student who was too scared to play because they didn’t think they were good enough?

A.) There is a great coaching staff.

Q.) What is the best part about playing basketball?

A.) Scoring. 

Q.) Do you think this season will be better than last year’s? Why or why not?

A.) Yes, because we kept our 9th graders down on the team.

Coach Martin 

Q.) What do you think this season has in store for the team?

A.) We expect to compete for the ICC Championship. We are 11-0 in league play, so we are right where we want to be at this point in the season. The 8th graders have stepped up in games when we needed them.

Q.) If the boys move up to the high school next year, what will you miss most about not having them?

A.) I have coached sports for almost 20 years at B-A, and this is the hardest working, team-oriented group of players I have coached. They are also fun to be around. It really makes my job both easier and enjoyable.

Q.) What makes a good team? 

A.) A good team has two characteristics, in my opinion, cohesiveness and talent. Even though this team has good individual players, they all work really well together.

Everybody has a different opinion on sports and whether you like them or not, but sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone and try something new—like basketball. It’s great for teamwork, exercise, and according to these boys, it’s a load of fun.

If you are a girl and interested in basketball and aren’t really sure about it, check out my “b” article.