CHALKED UP: No Matter What Open

Gracie Rice

Gracie Rice discusses diet and women in weight lifting in this week’s blog.

Welcome back to, Chalked Up. This weeks blog is about the “No Matter What Open” I competed in a few weeks ago on October 30th.

I wasn’t focusing on hitting PRs at this meet I simply wanted to show improvement. We drove to Maryland on Friday around noon. We then stayed in a hotel that was a minute away from the gym where I’d compete. I woke up at 6:30 and arrived at the gym in time for my weigh in at 7:00. After making weight my parents, coach, and I went to Dunkin to grab breakfast. When we returned to the gym I had to sit for almost an hour until I could start warming up to lift at 9:00.

When it was finally time to get moving I foam rolled, used the car buffer to loosen up my legs, and did my band work. After warming up, I put my shoes and wrist wraps on, then started snatching with just the bar to get ready for my warm up attempts. In the back I did my usual weights warming up to my first attempt. After hitting 44kg in the back I was on deck so I sat on the bench beside the platform and played with my meet fidget until I was up. I got chalk and walked over behind the platform doing my usual routine of tapping both feet off the platform and slapping my legs. With a little bit of nerves I gripped the bar and pulled. I hit my first lift at 46kg and then sat until 48kg was on the bar for my next attempt. When it was ready I gave coach my fidget and went to the chalk bucket repeating my routine once again. I ended up going 2 for 3 for snatches missing my last attempt at 50kg which would’ve tied my PR and been a meet PR.

After snatches I sat for awhile until it was time to start clean and jerks. When I started clean and jerks I did my usual warm ups, up until my first attempt. After doing my usual routine I hit my first attempt at 58kg, second at 60kg, and finally my third at 62kg tying my PR.

I was happy with my performance at this meet and plan to continue working hard until my 8th meet, the Pittsburg Open, in January. Continue reading these weekly blogs to keep up with my weightlifting journey.