CHALKED UP: American Open
Gracie Rice discusses diet and women in weight lifting in this week’s blog.
Welcome back to Chalked Up. This weeks blog is all about the American Open.
In the first week of March our team will be heading to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the American Open. This meet is definitely a big one for our team and we’ve been working hard to prepare.
Our taper has helped to prepare us to hit lighter weights to prepare to max out or lift heavier weights when we compete.
My goals for this meet are to hit my first snatch, hit a snatch meet PR, clean and jerk 68kg, and total 120kg. I hope to improve from my last meet and possibly medal.
On Wednesday we will all head to Ohio, and most of us will then compete Thursday. I will weigh in at noon then lift at 2:00.
Everyone has their own goals and we all work together to push each other to achieve them. I asked the team their goals and recieved great responces from all of them.
“I just want to total 125,” Makayla, also known as Red, said.
“Snatch 56kg and clean and jerk 62kg, those are my miracle numbers,” Sarah said.
“I want to win, haha. But just kidding. I’d like to total 142,” Kendall Link said.
With equally as many nerves as excitement, we are all ready to compete in the American Open!
Continue reading these weekly blogs to keep up with my weightlifting journey.