Blue Angels is Back for its Annual Return


Hayliana Shumac

The Blue Angels tree is up in the high school lobby, kicking off another Christmas Season of charity and giving at B-A.

Kimberly Bennett, Staff Writer

Bellwood-Antis is kicking off its annual Blue Angels drive to provide Christmas presents for those in need.

Blue Angels is a statewide organization that has kids or parents donate presents to less fortunate families around Christmas time. It sends goods and needs to kids and teenagers around the holidays when parents cant afford them.

Some gifts are as small as socks and as big as doll houses.

In this organization a few schools across the state set up Christmas trees and put paper ornaments displaying a child’s name, what he or she wants, and how old he or she is.  Some states even have people ride around in cars, walking through the streets, and asking people to donate toys and other essential needs.

Bellwood-Antis High School’s  Blue Angel tree is located in the gym lobby outside of the women and men’s bathroom.

There are similar trees in the middle and elementary schools.

Mrs. Susan Nycum has worked with this organization for years. In years past, before COVID restrictions, she put together groups of high school and middle school kids to wrap the presents.

Blue Angels cards are due on December 3, 2021, so there’s lots of time to think about getting a card and getting the want or the need on the card. The gifts are  wrapped, boxed and delivered right before Christmas so they can successfully make it to the kids houses by Christmas Day. When the kids open up the presents it lights their face up with a smile if they didn’t expect to get their wish.

The instructions for the Blue Angels tags are as follows:

  • Each tag has an item that has been put on a wish list by either a child or parent
  • Purchase the item listed on the tag
  • Tape the tag to unwrapped gift
  • Place gift in the Christmas box located by the trees

The official Bellwood-Antis name for the Blue Angels organization is called BA BLUE ANGELS “R” US.