Blue Devil Backpack Program is starting to see results

The initiative started at Myers in September

Courtesy Blue Devil Backpack Facebook page

Parents have been a driving force behind the Blue Devil backpack program, with many volunteering time to fill the bags each week.

Video Produced Makala Carles & Abby Luensmann

In October, Myers Elementary School launched the Blue Devil Backpack Program. The program gives students that lack the resources backpacks of food for the weekend.

According to Myers Principal Terri Harpster, the programs has been doing very well so far. Since the launch of the program fourth grade students have volunteered to pack the bags for the students in need. The student helpers are divided into 2 teams and have been able to pack 40 bags in 10 minutes.

The fourth graders love being able to pack bags and say they feel good about helping the program. Since parents help the fourth graders pack the bags there is even a student at their parent that help together.

Mrs. Harpster believes there might be potential for the program in the middle school and/or high school but fears students will not take the bags home due to embarrassment.

blue devil backpack

According to Mrs. Harpster right now the program is still too young to see any noticeable outcome but they are hoping the program has a positive effect and students perform better and aren’t as tired during the school day.

“The school community thinks the program is great for helping students and families that struggle economically,” stated Harpster. “Julie Heckman has been a huge help, along with Amy-Marten Shanafelt and Jendy Maines. The teachers have also been very cooperative.

“We had a food drive in October and it was very successful. The Bellwood-Antis Youth Football League even had a food drive and got enough food to completely fill the bed of a truck.”

The program even received a $900 donation and may apply for a grant soon.

If anyone would like to make a donation to the program please make the checks out to the Hope Center.

The BluePrint wishes the Blue Devil Backpack Program much success.