New fountains at Bellwood-Antis School District
Bellwood-Antis has installed new touchless bottle fillers.
December 20, 2021
The Bellwood-Antis School District has finally gotten its new touchless water dispensers.
The new fountains are a big step towards preventing the spread of germs like COVID-19 because they allow students to fell their bottles without having to press any buttons or make contact with the surface of the device. Installation began after Thanksgiving and the plans are for them to go into all three buildings.
The units cost approximately $460.00 per unit. The school hopes to have several operational in the next week or so.
The district is hoping that the fountains will help reduce the spread of germs with people no longer drinking out of the same water fountain. They will help out the environment because students no longer have to use disposable water bottles and instead can begin using reusable water bottles.
Bellwood-Antis Director of Facilities Tom Kovac said the the remaining machines will be installed as timing allows throughout the winter.”
“It takes anywhere from an hour to two and half hours,” for installations of each device, said Tom Kovac
There is a display on the front that says how many water bottles were saved by using the fountain.
According to Tom Kovac some regular water fountains will stay will as well.