French restaurant making a return

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After a two-year hiatus, the French restaurant is making a return this spring.

Kimberly Bennett, Staff Writer

For years, Mr. Tim Van Scoyoc has done an annual French club dinner with his students. However, there hasn’t been a dinner since 2019 due to COVID.

It’s back this year, now that PA and other states have loosened COVID restrictions, and will be held on Thursday, March 24th.

The dinner will be held in the gym lobby and the food will be prepared by French Club students in the home economic room from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. The food that is being prepared is chicken in orange sauce or pork chops in tomato sauce. As the other dishes they will have soup, salad, side dish, and dessert, all for a total of $15 dollars.

All the members of French Club are encouraged to participate in this event to teach them the culture of French foods. The French restaurant is also used as a fundraiser for the club.

The hopes for the French restaurant this year is for a big turn out. Van states “After having to cancel the 2020 restaurant event and postpone the November 2021 event until now because of the pandemic, we are excited to be able to hold this activity.” This event is also in hopes for the French club members to learn more about French food and participate in a fun event.

Mr. Van is excited to see the 9th and 10th graders work together because they haven’t yet been apart of the restaurant.

The payments and papers are due by Thursday, March 17th.