BASD calls first FID day of the school year


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A fairly severe winter storm projected for Central Pennsylvania forced BASD to call a FID day for Thursday.

Ahead of the first major weather event of the 2022-23 school year, Bellwood-Antis School District has announced a FID day for Thursday, December 15.

A winter storm watch is in effect beginning tonight at 10 p.m. and lasting through the morning on Friday. As much as 2-4 inches of snow and sleet are possible in Blair County, along with one tenth to two tenths of an inch of ice.

According to the forecast from AcuWeather in State College, Bellwood could see up to 3 inches of snow accumulation.

Other schools in the area have also made arrangements to keep students home tomorrow, including Tyrone.

FID days were first approved by the Bellwood-Antis School Board in 2020. They are flexible instruction days that allow teachers to assign asynchronous work for students to complete at home on their iPads or computers. The day counts as a full day of learning.

Work assigned by teachers should meet several requirements, including:

  • Content must be a rigorous continuation of the regular curriculum
  • Teachers & Staff offer Live Office Hours: 9AM – 11AM and 1PM – 3PM sessions
  • Teacher availability occurs via MS Teams, district e-mail, Google Classroom, SeeSaw, or phone
  • Teachers will check assignments and student progress throughout the day
  • Student attendance is accounted for by submission of daily classwork.

Teachers will not be streaming classes via Microsoft Teams, as happened during pandemic learning in 2020 and 2021.

BASD sent the notice for a FID day out to the district at noon through Remind and voicemail.