What’s your New Year’s resolution? Everyone usually starts out with at least one or a few in the beginning of the year. A resolution is particularly described as a list of things or expectations you make to better yourself. But sometimes, or most of the time, we cannot keep up with these resolutions and eventually give up. This has happened so often, that they have made a National “Quitter’s” Day, January 17th. Here is the top 3 most popular broken New year’s Resolutions.
Coming in 3rd, To save more money. About 39% of people have this on their New Year’s resolution, which is pretty good. It is always good to invest, especially into the coming year. A lot of people though end up giving up because of shopping, bills, etc.
In 2nd, To lose weight. This is a big one and seems to always be re-occurring. About 40% of people have that they wanna lose weight on their New Year’s resolutions, but give up after about a month out of laziness or not enough time.
And in first, is to eat healthier. A classic. This one has to be the most largely quit one out of all of them because it is very hard to do this unless you are incredibly determined. About 50% of people have this on their New Year’s resolution and quit.
HM: 4th place, Spending more time with family and friends. About 37% of people have this on their New Year’s resolution.