How about that homework?
Brooke Beichler works hard in study hall to complete her homework.
September 7, 2016
Brandy Young, an elementary school teacher at the Godley Elementary School, decided to take a new turn this year. She decided that there would be no homework for her second graders. Instead, she would allow students to finish up any leftover classwork from the day.
Most of the parents have absolutely loved the no-homework policy. They enjoy spending time with their children instead of having to worry about homework.
What do some of the teachers at Bellwood-Antis think? Should they use this policy?
High School Spanish teacher Mrs. Erin Elliot-Smith, feels that homework is necessary to continue the learning process after school. She also feels that it continues the practice of her foreign language.
Elementary School Principal Mrs. Terri Harpster believes that overall kids have too much homework.
“We adjusted the policy; it’s 10 minutes of homework a night per grade.”
Mrs. Harpster the evidence is mixed on the value of homework.
“There is no research to support that students achieve higher grades due to homework.”
High School Principal Mr. Schreier believes students may receive too much homework.
“It needs to be crafted in a way that is useful. The older a child gets, the more homework there is, which takes time away from family,” Mr. Schreier said.
“I take advantage of study halls to get it done during my sports seasons,” said sophomore Kara Engle. “I don’t think we get too much homework, but when you play sports it feels like a lot.”
High School science teacher Mr. Goodman said he does not give too much homework.
“Homework is minimal, except for certain subjects. Unless its necessary, I don’t give a lot of homework,” he said.
High School math teacher Mrs. Frank believes that there should not be too much to overwhelm a child.
“It is necessary for the student to build their skills outside of the classroom, but it shouldn’t be overkill,” she said. “Nobody should give homework just for the sake of it.”
Obviously, the teachers at Bellwood believe that homework is important, but everyone from administrators on down feel there should be limits.