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The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

The Voice of the Bellwood-Antis Student Body

The BluePrint

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer

My name is Cazen Cowfer, and I am a senior. This is my third year in the Blueprint. While last year I was in the Blueprint class, I am taking an independent study this year. My job in the Blueprint varies from writing stories to taking pictures. Outside of school, my hobbies consist of acting, singing, playing piano and violin. I joined the Blueprint because I love to write, and this class is good to take for what I want to do in my future.

All content by Cazen Cowfer
Nathan Davis, shown with brother Noah, mother Shelly and father Todd, recently wrapped up an outstanding basketball career at Seton Hill.


Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
April 21, 2020
The junior high speech team completed its season with a meet in Indiana, PA.

Jr. High Speech Meet

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
November 8, 2019
Travis Luensmann and Haley Schmidt pose for a picture with Homer for Red Ribbon Week.

Myers Recognizes Red Ribbon Week

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
November 5, 2019
What makes mean people the popular ones?

Why are mean people popular?

Cazen Cowfer, Copy Editor
November 5, 2019
Ben Eamigh has grown into a dedicated musician.

Artist of the Week: Ben Eamigh

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
April 23, 2018
South Pacific was the big production of 1987.

BA HISTORY 101: Hylite 1987

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
January 8, 2018
Tom Petty wrote some of the most iconic songs in American history.

TUNE TALK: Goodbye Tom Petty

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
October 10, 2017
Lana Del Ray has released five albums.

TUNE TALK: Lana Del Ray

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
September 28, 2017
Jake is happy to graduate, and can not wait for college

Super Senior: Jake Hoover

Cazen Cowfer, staff writer
May 19, 2017
Dan Kustaborder doesn't like to dance and he doesn't believe in love at first sight.

20 QUESTIONS: With Dan Kustaborder

Cazen Cowfer, Features Editor
April 26, 2017
Ms. Roseborough has been coaching at B-A for more than 50 years, but many outside of the track program don't recognize her contributions to Blue Devil athletics.


Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
March 21, 2017
Ms. Hull is busy preparing for the spring musical, Footloose.


Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
February 23, 2017
Melanie Martinez went from The Voice to music stardom.

Tune Talk: Melanie Martinez

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
February 13, 2017
Randy Showalter wears a  lot of hats as the head of maintenance for Bellwood-Antis.

UNSUNG HEROES: Randy Showalter

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
February 8, 2017
Mrs. LuAnn Shoop and Mrs. Amy Chamberlain make sure the high school/middle school office runs smoothly.

UNSUNG HEROES: Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Shoop

Cazen Cowfer, Unsung Heroes Editor
January 30, 2017
ABBA is a classic group that rose to fame in the 1970s.


Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
January 7, 2017
Thalia Lucio is enjoying life as a freshman at B-A.

FAB FRESHMAN: Thalia Lucio

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
December 8, 2016
Mr. Hughes has a driving diagram to use with his Driver's Ed students, but he admits book learning doesn't tell you much about a kid as a driver.

When is a Teen Ready to Drive?

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
October 25, 2016
Robert VanKirk answers 20 questions for the BluePrint.

20 questions with Robert VanKirk

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
October 12, 2016
the band is selling carwash tickets.

B-A Band Prepares for Carwash

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
September 22, 2016
Brooke Beichler works hard in study hall to complete her homework.

How about that homework?

Cazen Cowfer, Staff Writer
September 7, 2016
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