Chorus headed to Hershey for festival
Chorus members are going to the sweetest place on earth for a music festival.
May 11, 2017
About 35 students from the Bellwood-Antis chorus are going to HersheyPark on Friday to compete in the HersheyPark Choral Festival and have a good time at the park.
The kids will have to be at school at 4:30 am, and they will leave at 5:00. They will arrive at a church at 8:00 am to get dresses and warm up. The actual concert is at 9:00.
After the concert, the kids will go to the park from 10:00- 4:00. At 4:15, there will be an award ceremony at the Hershey Park Amphitheater. After the ceremony, the kids will go back to the park from 6:30-8:30 to ride more rides for the last time.
“I think the kids are going to do the best that they can. You never know how they are going to do. I’ll be happy if they do really well. My kids are great,” said Ms. Hull.
At 9 p.m., the kids will depart for home, and be home at midnight. It will be a long, tough, fun, and memorable day for the kids.