FCA looking to up high school participation in cereal contest
FCA member Cazen Cowfer collects cereal boxes from classrooms. The group is hoping to collect more than 1,300 boxes of cereal in its annual drive to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Food Kitchen.
February 13, 2018
According to Fellowship of Christian Athletes advisor Mr. Lovrich, there’s a long way to go for the group to hit its goal of 1,300 cereal boxes.
Myers Elementary is leading the annual FCA Cereal Drive with one-hundred and three cereal boxes collected.
Mr. Lovrich also mentioned that, “Hopefully we can step up our effort, especially in the high school because that is where all our FCA members are.”
The FCA conducts the drive every year to donate food to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry in Altoona.
The school record for the most boxes donated collectively between the high school, middle school and Myers Elementary is 1,700 boxes in 2015.
Last year, all three schools raised 1,242 boxes of cereal, and the club hopes to beat that this year.
“We have assigned homeroom reps to motivate people to help our cereal be a success,” Mr. Lovrich said. “Hopefully that will help us increase our numbers the last few weeks.”
The middle school has collected 62 cereal boxes and the high school has collected 32.
In the middle school, Mrs. Kuhn’s homeroom has a total of 26, Mrs. Nycum has a total of 12, and Mrs. Gonder has a total of six.
In the high school, Mr. Naylor is leading with 12xcereal boxes, Mr. McNaul has eight, and Mrs. Cunningham has three.
The drive runs through the end of the month.