Stockings for Troops kicks off
October 22, 2018
Thursday, the Bellwood-Antis PTO along with Military Families Ministry kicked off Stockings for Troops with an assembly at Myers Elementary school.
Stockings for troops is when the community helps improve the morale and welfare of members of the armed forces of the United States of America by stuffing stockings with special items and sending them to troops.
Organizers are collecting items and stuffing stockings on November 29.
Teachers throughout the district helped launch the program with a $5.00 jeans day.
People can participate by donating money for the shipping of the stockings or by sending in donations with students to be packed in November.
This is the eighth year that the Bellwood-Antis school district will be doing this event.
Items such as chap stick, toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss, oatmeal packets, hot chocolate packets, playing cards, Ramen noodles, Twizzlers, powdered drink mixes, and other snacks are typical donations.