Keeping Up With The Teachers Of Bellwood-Antis: Miss Harris
Mrs. Harris BA Home Economics Teacher
Well folks, we’re two and half weeks into the second marking period, and the school administration has recently sent out plans for a new hybrid schedule. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to talk to anyone outside of the high school in quite some time, but I was able to speak with the Home Economic Teacher Miss Harris! She’s been teaching at Bellwood for around five years, and she’s quickly been growing as everyone’s favorite teacher. She’s a kindhearted person with a huge heart, and we all love her to death. She keeps every one of her student’s health into consideration while still making sure we can cook and have fun.
When Miss Harris was asked how she felt Bellwood-Antis was handling the COVID-19 pandemic, she responded, “You know, personally I feel like we’re just doing the best we can. The district is trying their best to keep everyone safe, but we were bound to have an outbreak at some point. I’m personally trying to keep my kids safe by implementing the use of gloves again since we used them earlier in the school year. I ordered gloves, and we’re hoping to use them throughout the school year,” and I completely agree. I’m glad she’s taking her students’ health into consideration and making sure we can all make memories and still have fun.
When Miss Harris was asked if she herself took any extra precautions in the kitchen to keep things safe, she replied, “I do. I make sure each of the groups have their own flower, sugar, and other ingredients so that we can keep germs to a minimum. I make sure that all the tables are wiped off before students sit down for class. Overall, you know.. I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job with keeping things clean,” I agree again. Personally, I have seen her do those things, and I believe she’s doing a great job keeping all of us safe.
All in all, speaking to Miss Harris was a pleasure, and I’m glad she believes that the Home EC room is a safe place for all her kids. I personally have Miss Harris third period, and I’m glad she’s taking her students’ health into great consideration. She’s been an amazing teacher this year and every other year I’ve had her. She’s one of the kindest teachers in the school district, and it was a pleasure speaking to her! I hope she and her students have a wonderful school year!