This week’s Just Junior is Cayden Pellegrine. People know Cayden by his playing time on field during Friday night football games.
Cayden currently has two touchdowns and 68 total tackles this season.
This year, the football team has had its share of growing pains, but Cayden still has hope for the team.
“It is very disappointing to be 1-8, however, this is probably the closest team I’ve ever been on,” he said.
Cayden is in French Club, and his favorite class is Chemistry.
His favorite football team is the Steelers because his entire family watches them and likes them, so he grew up watching them, too.
Things Cayden enjoys to do outside of school include playing football, track and field, weight lifting and playing video games.
He said one goal he wants to accomplish before he graduate is to become French Club president.
After high school, Cayden wants to enter the medical field.