The periodic table has impacted science in many ways, and it has a very long history.
We celebrate its impact today, on National Periodic Table Day.
It’s a day for scientists and students alike and a great way for chemistry teachers to reinforce the importance of this important scientific and organizational tool.
Ancient people in the 1st century AD only knew of a few elements like gold, silver, copper, iron, and led. After some time, elements like arsenic, antimony, and zinc were added, and by 1809, scientists discovered 47 more elements.
In 1817, Johann Döbereiner decided that the elements needed to be organized, so he organized them into groups of three, or triads, based on similar qualities.
On February 7, 1863, English chemist John Newlands published one of the first table of elements. He divided the known 56 elements into 11 groups based on the “Law of Octaves.”
In 1869, chemist Dimitri Mendeleev published a paper developing a new periodic table. Mendeleev’s table also arranged the elements based on atomic mass.
B-A chemistry teacher Mr. Carr said the periodic table affects us in several ways.
“Chemistry is important to know because it’s all around you, and you need to be aware of all the elements in your everyday life,” said Mr. Carr.
In honor of National Periodic Table Day, Mr. Carr is doing a project for his chemistry class where his students have to create an original superhero or villain inspired by a chemical element.
Although it might seem nerdy, you can celebrate this day by putting together a periodic table puzzle or having a molecule building contest.