Google tries something new


Jarrett Taneyhill

Ethan McGee checks out the new logo

Jarrett Taneyhill, Staff Writer

The Google logo is one of the most iconic logos of all time. In fact, Google is ranked number ten out of every other logo in the world. Which is why it may be surprising to some people that Google has decided to change their logo.

On Tuesday, September 1, 2015, Google decided to make the change to the logo. Their reasoning?   The company decided to change the logo to show that Google is now a multigadget search engine and not just a PC search engine. Read more about the change here.

Students at BA were mixed on the new look. Some students liked the new look and some students hated it. Others didn’t mind either of them. However, at the end of the day, the old Google logo was liked more than the new one. Apparently new isn’t always better